Friday, March 23, 2012

Grace Unknown... WOW

     This morning I woke up rather grumpy, just one of those mornings when you're exhausted and and smallest things seem to bother you. But isn't it great to have a forgiving and faithful God who is continually reminding us where our heart needs to be?
     After getting slightly snappy at my sister, I was convicted and went down to my room to spend time in prayer and God's word. I turned on the 'worship' playlist on my ipod, and the first song that came on was, 'Alas! And did my Savior bleed?' Wow.
     Powerful lyrics.
     In light of how much Christ has done for us, when we are so undeserving, how can we be anything but humbled, amazed and overwhelmingly filled with a desire to serve and seek God?
     Is your heart right with God today? He has done SO much for us, we are undeserving sinners. That's MORE than enough reason to make every effort to live for Him, seek Him, let His light shine through you.

     Alas! and did my Savior bleed, 
 and did my Sovereign die!
 Would he devote that sacred head 
 for sinners such as I? 

 Was it for crimes that I have done, 
 he groaned upon the tree? 
 Amazing pity! Grace unknown! 
 And love beyond degree! 

 Well might the sun in darkness hide, 
 and shut its glories in, 
 when God, the mighty maker, died 
 for his own creature's sin. 

 Thus might I hide my blushing face 
 while his dear cross appears; 
 dissolve my heart in thankfulness, 
 and melt mine eyes to tears. 

 But drops of tears can ne'er repay 
 the debt of love I owe. 
 Here, Lord, I give myself away; 
 'tis all that I can do. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you were grouchy...but we love you anyways! <3 I'll be praying for you and your CLEP and your money-making ventures and...everything else!
